Monday, January 7, 2013

Smart Refrigerators?? or Dumb Consumers?

Well Folks its that time of the year again where we get to see lots of new gadgets entering the mainstream market in technology , the CES 2013 currently at LAS VEGAS , 

So we all know what our refrigerators at home do , cool and freeze . Samsung makes it or rather calls it smarter , by introducing  a refrigerator whose space can be reprogrammed to convert from fridge to freezer space and back again.

The T9000 refrigerator comes with a built-in LCD screen and can be connected to a smartphone,  Senior Vice President Michael Abary said could be used as a baby monitor for parents who want to keep an eye on their young children while cooking. 

The Device runs Linux based OS and integrates a 8" screen with evernote integration which makes now easier to sync your grocery list whilst you keep noting them on your refrigerator .

How many of you would you really use these features in real world?

please subscribe more updates on gadgets as they get released at CES 2013

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